Before Surgery

Will I need to use eye drops before the surgery?

Yes, you will need to use prescribed eye drops three times a day to prepare your eye.

When do I start the drops?

You will start the drops THREE days before your surgery.

How many times per day?

Use the eye drops three times a day: at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Do I use the drops the day of the procedure?

Do not use the drops before the surgery. The surgical team will use drops during and after the procedure. Resume using the drops in the evening after the surgery, and continue until instructed to stop.

Day of Surgery

When should I stop eating and drinking before surgery?Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery.

What if I have to take meds in the AM?

You may take essential medications (e.g., for blood pressure, heart condition, or thyroid) with tiny sips of water. Avoid any other medications, including diabetes medications, on the morning of surgery.

Should I bring my meds with me?

Yes, bring all medications you are currently taking.

What is the address of the Surgery Center? 

The Specialty Surgical Center of Beverly Hills is located at 9001 Wilshire Blvd, suite 100, Beverly Hills, CA 90211.

Will I need someone to drive me home?

Yes, you will need someone to drive you home after the surgery.

Can they drop me off and come back later?

Yes, they can drop you off and come back to pick you up after the surgery.

What should I wear?

Wear loose, comfortable clothing with short sleeves.

During Surgery

How long does cataract surgery take? The surgery typically takes about 15-20 minutes per eye. However, you will spend around 2 hours at the Surgery Center.

Is the surgery done in one room? Yes, the surgery is performed in one operating room.

Will I be asleep? You will be awake but given local anesthesia and sedation to ensure comfort.

After Surgery

Will I have an eye patch over my eye?

You will have a protective eye shield over your eye, which you should wear as instructed by your doctor.

How long will I be in recovery?

You will spend a short period of time in the recovery area, usually about 30 minutes to an hour.

Postoperative Care

What can I do for the rest of the day?

You can rest, watch TV, and eat as usual. Avoid strenuous activities.

Should I avoid rubbing my eye? For how long?

Yes, avoid rubbing your eye for at least six weeks after surgery.

Can I drive the next day?

You may drive the next day if your vision is clear enough.

When can I shower and wash my hair?

You can shower and wash your hair, but avoid getting soap or water in your eyes until cleared by your doctor.

Will I need pain meds on the day of the surgery or on subsequent days?

You may need over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol. Consult your doctor for specific recommendations.

When do I see you after the surgery?

Your first follow-up appointment is scheduled for the day after your surgery.

How long do I need to wear the eye shield?

Wear the eye shield all day on the first day and at night for at least 3 nights afterwards.

What can I expect, vision-wise, in the first few days after the surgery?

Your vision may be slightly blurred and your eye may appear red. These symptoms should improve within a few days.

What can I do/not do during the first two weeks after the surgery?

  • Avoid heavy lifting, bending over, and strenuous exercise.
  • Do not swim or use hot tubs.
  • Avoid rubbing your eye and wearing makeup.

How long will I need to use the eye drops after the surgery?

Continue using the prescribed eye drops after surgery until instructed to stop.

Should I wear sunglasses outside? For how long?

Yes, wear sunglasses outdoors for the first four weeks to protect your eyes from bright light and wind.

Can I remove the lens from my glasses and wear my glasses till the second surgery?

Yes, you can remove the lens from your glasses and wear them until your second surgery.

Additional Information

We have covered a lot of stuff. Is it all written down somewhere?

Yes, all instructions are provided in the “Premium Cataract Care Guide” that was emailed to you together with the consents that you signed.

For any further questions or concerns, please contact our office at310-275-5533.