Dr. Benjamin is recognized as one of Los Angeles' top dry eye specialists. Thousands of patients have passed through his hands, attaining long lasting relief with their dry, uncomfortable, red eyes.
Background expertise.
A physician's potential depends on education. In this case, it is Cornell University, Duke University School of Medicine, training at the prestigious Jules Stein Eye Institute.
Clinical Practice
In 25 years of successful practice, having gone through almost 300,000 patient encounters, Dr. Benjamin has studied dry eye syndrome in great breadth and depth. He will devise the best treatment for you.
Dream Team
Your "dry eyes" are no strangers to everyone at Benjamin Eye Institute. Every member of the team has been carefully selected for experience, fund of knowledge and attention to detail. Together the team will work to achieve the most comfortable vision for you in the least amount of time.
Accurate diagnosis is key to devising an effective treatment plan. Tear Lab, Lipiscan, Nidek OPD scan, Oculus Pentacam are just some of the diagnostic modalities we will use to diagnose your condition. LipiFlow, Blephex, Lumenis Optilight IPL, Prokera Stem Cell Amniotic grafts, Collagen punctal occlusion and serum tears are just some of the methods we will use to treat you.